Date: 07/14/2021

HPX 1.7.0 released

Author: Mikael Simberg

The STE||AR Group is proud to announce the release of HPX 1.7.0! This release continues the focus on C++20 conformance in our parallel algorithms, with many new algorithms becoming customization points and others receiving ranges versions. We’ve also added experimental support for using the new GCC’s SIMD data types with our parallel algorithms to go alongside the already existing Vc support. Vc support is deprecated and will be removed when more standard libraries support the new SIMD facilities. Finally, we’ve implemented a large subset of sender/receiver functionality based on current proposals (mainly P0443, P1897, and P2300). HPX futures fulfill the sender concept, and senders can explicitly be turned into futures, which means that codebases can gradually adopt senders where appropriate. The full list of improvements, fixes, and breaking changes can be found in the release notes. Most notably, standalone Asio has been added as a new dependency, which may require changes to your builds or CI.

Thank you to everyone in the STE||AR Group and all the volunteers who have provided fixes, opened issues, and improved the documentation. In particular, thank you to our Google Summer of Code students Akhil Nair and Srinivas Yadav for their work on parallel algorithms and SIMD support for this release.

Download the release from our releases page.

If you have any questions, comments, or exploits to report you can reach us on IRC or Matrix (#ste||ar on or email us at hpx-users. Please note that since the previous release our IRC/Matrix channel has moved from freenode to We depend on your input!

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