Exploring the HPX exosystem

A world of innovation

Our community of developers and enthusiasts have harnessed the power of HPX to create a diverse range of applications and tools to address high-performance computing (HPC) challenges and drive progress across computational domains.

Whether you’re seeking a fast machine learning platform, studying high-energy density flows, or exploring environmental modeling, you’ll find it all within this curated collection.

Applications showcase

Explore the groundbreaking work achieved through HPX.

  • Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA++)

    Developed by
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Louisiana State University

    A high-performance research software framework solving quantum many-body problems with cutting-edge quantum cluster algorithms.

  • Hytrac

    Developed by
    First Light Fusion Ltd

    A hydrodynamic front-tracking cose for the study of high energy density multi-material flows.

  • Phylanx

    Developed by
    Louisiana State University, University of Oregon, University of Arizona

    An asyncronous distributed C++ array processing toolkit.

  • Blaze

    Developed by
    Klaus Igelberger

    A high-performance C++ math library.

  • Apex

    Developed by
    Klaus Igelberger

    A high-performance C++ math library.

  • Kokkos

    Developed by
    Sandia National Labs and CSCS

    Implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting major HPC platforms.

  • LUE

    Developed by
    Computational Geography, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

    Environmental modeling framework.

  • LibGeoDecomp

    Developed by
    STE||AR Group

    An auto-parallelizing library to accelerate stencil code-based computer simulations on various architectures.

  • Flecsi

    Developed by
    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    The Flexible Computational Science Infrastructure.

  • NLMech

    Developed by
    LSU and UT Austin

    A simulation code for various non-local models, e.g., peridynamics.

  • Gaslight

    Developed by
    Cybersecurity Lab, Louisiana State University

    Grey0box fuzzer.

  • YewPar

    Developed by
    Archibald Maier

    A generic framework for exact combinatorial search.

Are you working on a project with HPX and would like to share it with our community?