HPX Users
Provided below is a current collection of users of and/or applications using HPX. Information includes: Organization or indiviual, title of application, purpose/function, and link.
Who is developing the application: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Louisiana State University
Name of application: Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA++)
What the application does: A high-performance research software framework to solve quantum many-body problems with cutting edge quantum cluster algorithms
Link to project repository or website: https://github.com/CompFUSE/DCA/
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): First Light Fusion Ltd
Name of application: Hytrac
What the application does: A Hydrodynamic Front-Tracking Code for the Study of High Energy Density Multi-Material Flows
Link to project repository or website: https://firstlightfusion.com/
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): Louisiana State University, University of Oregon, University of Arizona
Name of application: Phylanx
What the application does: An Asynchronous Distributed C++ Array Processing Toolkit
Link to project repository or website: https://phylanx.stellar-group.org/, https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/phylanx
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): Klaus Igelberger
Name of application: Blaze
What the application does: A high performance C++ math library
Link to project repository or website: https://bitbucket.org/blaze-lib/blaze/src/master/
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): University of Oregon
Name of application: APEX
What the application does: Autonomic Performance Environment for eXascale
Link to project repository or website: https://github.com/khuck/xpress-apex
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): Los Alamos National Laboratory
Name of application: FleCSI
What the application does: The Flexible Computational Science Infrastructure
Link to project repository or website: https://laristra.github.io/flecsi/
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): Utrecht University, The Netherlands, https://computationalgeography.org
Name of application: LUE
What the application does: Environmental modelling framework
Link to project repository or website: https://github.com/computationalgeography/lue
- Our framework contains building blocks (data structures, algorithms) for developing scalable environmental models simulating biological and physical processes over time and through space. It is aimed at model developers, including domain experts, who may not know about the lower level details of software development, parallel computing and distributed computing.
Who is developing the application: STE||AR Group
Name of application: LibGeoDecomp
What the application does: LibGeoDecomp is an auto-parallelizing library to speed up your stencil code based computer simulations. It runs on virtually all current architectures, be it multi-cores, GPUs, or large scale MPI clusters.
Link to project repository or website: libgeodecomp.org
Who is developing the application: Sandia National Labs and CSCS
Name of application: Kokkos
What the application does: Implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms
Link to project repository or website: https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos
- Kokkos Core implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use CUDA, HPX, OpenMP and Pthreads as backend programming models with several other backends in development.
Who is developing the application: LSU and UT Austin
Name of application: NLMech
What the application does: A simulation code for various non-local models, e.g. peridynamics.
Link to project repository or website: https://github.com/nonlocalmodels
- We are a collaboration of researchers developing a simulation code for non-local models accelerated by the C++ standard library for parallelism and concurrency (HPX).
Who is developing the application (institution/company/personal project): Cybersecurity Lab, Louisiana State University
Name of application: Gaslight
Who is developing the application: Cybersecurity Lab, Louisiana State University
Name of application: Gaslight
What the application does: Grey-box fuzzer
Gaslight is a grey-box fuzzer, especially efficient for testing applications with large input files like memory forensics frameworks. Fuzz testing is performed using a custom file system to handle different sets of input mutations, and is guided by the results of tests as well as generated application outputs. The tests are distributed using HPX to run in parallel and scale the tests.
Who is developing the application: Archibald Maier
Name of application: YewPar
What the application does: YewPar is a generic framework for exact combinatorial search
Archibald B. Maier P. Stewart R. Trinder P.W.
Implementing YewPar: a framework for parallel tree search
Proceedings of Euro-Par’19, Goettingen, Germany Springer LNCS 11725 (August 2019) pp 184-196
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-29400-7_14
The following describes the formal semantics of YewPar searches, and evaluates it for 7 different search applications:
Archibald B. Maier P. Stewart R. Trinder P.W.
YewPar: Skeletons for Exact Combinatorial Search
Proceedings of Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP’20), San Diego, USA, ACM (February 2020)
DOI 10.1145/3332466.3374537
The code is available at: https://github.com/BlairArchibald/YewPar
If you are developing a library or application and would like to share it with us and others, please email hpx-devel@stellar-group.org with a short summary of your project.